DOE/ORNL Heat Pump Design Model

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The DOE/ORNL Heat Pump Design Model is a research tool for use in steady-state and quasi-steady-state design analyses of extensive thermal system configurations and HVAC applications. The WEB version has an HTML-based input interface which generates the required input file, executes the application, and summarizes the results on your Web browser.

As this is a hardware-based model, the user can specify the inputs of each component, i.e. compressor, heat exchanger, fan and pump, etc. The program analyzes steady-state performance for indoor and outdoor operation conditions provided by the user. An example case is provided for each individual system configuration. The user can download and upload a simulation case to the server. In addition, a desktop version, using an interface of Excel Add-In is available for the user to download (link at the bottom of this webpage) and use at a personal computer.

The wizard will guide you through the generation of your heat-pump design model input file. The wizard includes extensive configurations in numerous application categories. You are more than welcome to work with us and create other new configurations for your interest. If you have suggestions or find any bugs related to this modeling and design tool, please contact the author, Bo Shen,

Below, you can either expand a category by clicking the triangle on the left, select an existing configuration and customize; or upload your previously saved configuration (files) to begin.

Total visits of HPDM reached 366451 times, since the first release of 1998 !
Main Image
Category / Configuration Description
Space Cooling, Residential
1.ScFtcs VS compressor, FT coils
2.ScFtcMhx VS compressor, FT EVAP+MHX COND
3.ScMhxs VS compressor, MHX coils
4.ScFtcsFEO VS compressor, FT coils, fixed orifice+accumulator
5.ScFtcMhxFEO VS compressor, FT EVAP+MHX COND, fixed orifice+accumulator
6.ScMhxsFEO VS compressor, MHX coils, fixed orifice+accumulator
7.ScBhpFtc VS compressor, water source BHP and air source FT coil
8.ScBhpMhx VS compressor, water source BHP and air source MHX coil
9.ScFltFtc VS compressor, water source tube-in-tube HX and air source FT coil
10.ScFltMhx VS compressor, water source tube-in-tube HX and air source MHX coil
11.WacSling Window air conditioner with slinger wheel and submerged subcooler
Space Cooling, Commercial
1.Rtu1SysFtcs 1 system, VS compressor, FT coils
2.Rtu1SysFtcMHX 1 system, VS compressor, FTC evap, MHX condenser
3.Rtu2SysFtcs 2 parallel systems, VS compressors, interlaced FT coils
4.Rtu2SysFtcMhx 2 parallel systems, VS compressors, MHX condensers, interlaced FT coils
5.Rtu3SysFtcs 3 parallel systems, VS compressors, interlaced FT coils
6.Rtu4SysFtcs 4 parallel systems, VS compressors, interlaced FT coils
7.Rtu1Sys2CompsFtc 1 system, 2 parallel VS compressors, FTC evap and condenser
8.Rtu1Sys2CompsMhx 1 system, 2 parallel VS compressors, FTC evap, MHX condenser
9.Rtu1Sys3CompsFtc 1 system, 3 parallel VS compressors, FTC evap, FTC condenser
10.Rtu1Sys3CompsMhx 1 system, 3 parallel VS compressors, FTC evap, MHX condenser
11.Rtu2SysFtcsReH 2 parallel systems, VS compressors, interlaced FT coils with an indoor reheat coil system
12.Rtu2SysFtcsRehDes 2 parallel systems, VS compressors, FTC coils, with a reheat coil system and a dessicant wheel
Space Heating
1.ShFtcs VS compressor, FT coils
2.ShMhxFtc VS compressor, MHX condenser, FTC evap
3.ShMhxs VS compressor, MHX condenser and evap
4.ShFtcsFEO VS compressor, FT coils, fixed orifice+accumulator
5.ShMhxFtcFEO VS compressor, MHX condenser, FTC evap, fixed orifice+accumulator
6.ShMhxsFEO VS compressor, MHX condenser and evap, fixed orifice+accumulator
7.ShFtcBhp VS compressor, FTC condenser and BHP evap
8.ShMhxBhp VS compressor, MHX condenser and BHP evap
9.ShViEcUpsplit Vapor injection compressor with economizer, upstream split
10.ShViEcDownsplit Vapor injection compressor with economizer, downstream split
11.ShViFlashTank Vapor injection compressor with flash tank
12.ShFtcs2stages Two-stage, VS compressors at upper and low stages, FT coiis
Space Cooling, VRF
1.ScVRF1Terminal VRF with 1 terminal
2.ScVRF2Terminal VRF with 2 terminals
3.ScVRF3Terminal VRF with 3 terminals
4.ScVRF4Terminal VRF with 4 terminals
5.ScVRF5Terminal VRF with 5 terminals
Combined SC and WH, VRF
1.ScwhVRF1Terminal SC+WH, VRF with 1 terminal
2.ScwhVRF2Terminal SC+WH, VRF with 2 terminals
3.ScwhVRF3Terminal SC+WH, VRF with 3 terminals
4.ScwhVRF4Terminal CSC+WH, VRF with 4 terminals
5.ScwhVRF5Terminal SC+WH, VRF with 5 terminals
Space Heating, VRF
1.ShVRF1Terminal VRF with 1 terminal
2.ShVRF2Terminal VRF with 2 terminals
3.ShVRF3Terminal VRF with 3 terminals
4.ShVRF4Terminal VRF with 4 terminals
5.ShVRF5Terminal VRF with 5 terminals
Heat Pump Water Heating
1.HpwhBhpFtc VS compressor, FT coil+BHP
2.HpwhFltFtc VS compressor, FT coil+TUBEINTUBE HX
3.HpwhBhpMhx VS compressor, MHX+BHP
4.HpwhFltMhx VS compressor, MHX+TUBEINTUBE HX
5.HpwhDesupSC VS compressor, FT coils in cooling mode, and use a BHP for desuperheating
6.HpwhDesupSH VS compressor, FT coils in heating mode, and use a BHP for desuperheating
7.HpwhBhpBhp VS compressor, a BHP condenser for water heating and another BHP evaporator to asborb source heat
8.HpwhFltFlt VS compressor, a fluted tube-in-tube condenser for water heating and another tube-in-tube evaporator to asborb source heat
9.HpwhWrapDFtc VS compressor, fin-&-tube evaporator and wrapped-tank condenser wiht D tubes (need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
10.HpwhWrapDMhx VS compressor, microchannel evaporator and wrapped-tank condenser wiht D tubes (need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
11.HpwhWrapMMhx VS compressor, microchannel evaporator and wrapped-tank microchannel HX (need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
12.HpwhBhpFtcTank VS compressor, fin-&-tube evaporator and BHP condenser to feed hot water to a tank(need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
13.HpwhFltFtcTank VS compressor, fin-&-tube evaporator and fluted tube-in-tube condenser to feed hot water to a tank(need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
1.DXWalkInCooler DX system for walk-in cooler, 1-speed compressor, FTC coils
2.Freezer1Cab Freezer with one freezer compartment, FTC coils, suction line HX; this example can run quasi-steady-state simulation for the whole cooling process using desktop version
3.Refrigerator2Cab Refrigerator with freezer and refrigerator compartments, FTC coils, suction line HX; this example can run quasi-steady-state simulation for the whole cooling process using desktop version
1.Dehumidifier DX system for dehumidification, FTC coils
2.VapDeswheel vapor compression system coupled with desiccant wheel to enhanced DH, VS compressor, FTC coils; desiccant wheel rotates from return to supply side
Low GWP Refrigerants
1.RTU/R22 single-speed RTU to investigate low GWP refrigerant alternatives of R-22
2.RTU/R410A single-speed RTU to investigate low GWP refrigerant alternatives of R-410A
3.RAC/R22 compressor efficiency curve-fit vs pressure ratio, FT EVAP and COND, R22 alternative refr evaluation for a room AC
4.RAC/R410A VS compressor, FT EVAP+MHX COND, R410A alternative refr evaluation for a room AC
5.WacSling Window air conditioner with slinger wheel and submerged subcooler
CO2 Systems
1.DXWalkInTrans DX system for walk-in cooler, FTC coils, transcritical CO2
2.DXWalkInSuper DX system for walk-in cooler, FTC coils, supercritical CO2
3.HpwhCO2BhpFtc HPWH, VS compressor, FT evap+BHP cond, supercritical CO2
4.HpwhCO2WrapDFtc HPWH, VS compressor, FT evap+wrapped-tank condenser with D tubes, supercritical CO2 (need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
5.HpwhCO2WrapDMhx HPWH, VS compressor, microchannel evap+wrapped-tank condenser with D tubes, supercritical CO2 (need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
6.HpwhCO2WrapMMhx HPWH, VS compressor, microchannel evap+wrapped-tank microchannel condenser, supercritical CO2 (need to download the config to run at desktop version for UEF and FHR simulations)
Sorption Systems
1.AbWHBhpFtc Liquid absorption WH, use FTC evaporator and BHP condenser, amonnia water
2.AdsorpAb Solid adsorption WH, use FTC evaporator, amonnia. Run quasi-steady-state simulation for the whole absorption process with the desktop version
3.AdsorpDe Solid adsorption WH, use brazed plate condenser, amonnia. Run quasi-steady-state simulation for the whole desorption process with the desktop version
Condensing Units
1.CondUnitFTC Condensing Unit, use FTC condenser
2.CondUnitMHX Condensing Unit, use Microchannel condenser
3.CondUnitBHP Condensing Unit, use brazed-plate condenser
4.CondUnitTubInTub Condensing Unit, use tube-in-tube condenser
5.CondUnitVIFTC Condensing Unit, use FTC condenser and VI compressor downstream split
1.Compressor10 AHRI 10-coefficient compressor map, variable-speed
2.CompressorEff compressor model using simple efficiencies
3.Compressor10Eff AHRI 10-coefficient compressor map, variable-speed with efficiency calculations
4.CondenserFtcSimple Fin-tube condenser with simple circuitry
5.EvaporatorFtcSimple Fin-tube evaporator with simple circuitry
6.CondenserMHX Single-row microchannel condenser
7.EvaporatorMHX Single-row microchannel evaporator
8.CondenserBHP Brazed-plate condenser
9.EvaporatorBHP Brazed-plate evaporator
10.CondenserTUBinTUB Fluted tube-in-tube condenser
11.DessicantWheel Dessciant wheel
12.LineModel Discharge line